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equisol adaptive horsemanship horseback riding lessons

Horses, Happiness, Health

What is Equisol?

Equisol Adaptive Horsemanship is a 501(c)3 non-profit, Professional Association of Therapeutic Horsemanship (PATH), International Member Center that specializes in teaching horsemanship skills to those with cognitive, physical and social/emotional special needs.  Our mission statement is: To promote the well-being of individuals with special needs through equine assisted services (EAS). Additionally, we offer yoga on horseback and health and wellness coaching that are part of our for-profit sector. 

All of our programs are geared toward improving your quality of life.  While partnering with equines in activities, we will guide you toward reaching your goals so that you may achieve a greater sense of well-being.  Our mantra is:

 ~Horses, Happiness, Health~

Why Equin​es?

Equines, by nature, only know how to live by gravitating toward a state of homeostasis (any self-regulating process by which biological systems tend to maintain stability while adjusting to conditions that are optimal for survival). From them, we can learn how to be more in tune with our senses and surroundings, which has implied benefits such as: stress reduction, balance of the body, mind and spirit and improved feelings of health and wellness. Through mindful practices with equine partners, we can learn how to allow our genuine soul to shine and live the best quality of life that we deserve.

Our Programs

Adaptive H​orsemanship



Health & Wellness Coaching


What our clients are saying

Thanks to Alex of Equisol, my quality of life with Multiple Sclerosis has greatly improved.  Riding and working with her equines has opened up my hip flexors, taught me to better connect with breath and improved Neuroplasitcity.

-Jaclyn W.


Get in touch!


Physical Location:

11420 Fir Drive

Reno, NV 89506


(775) 340-3418

Office Hours

Tuesday - Saturday 9:00AM - 5:00PM

and by appointment

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